Remember when you were a kid and you wrote, drew, danced and sang for the pure joy of it?
You had an inescapable desire to create and this part of you never died! Believe it or not, it's still here. It's the ache and longing to express yourself. There aren't just certain people who have an interesting story to tell, everyone does. Everyone has access to the creative energy moving in the universe. The moon serves as a constant support in our creative unfolding.
In this workshop we will learn skills to unblock our creative flow and tap into the creative well inside each of us. We will support each other by identifying what holds us back. We will use meditation, breathing and learning about the moon cycle to awaken a kindness for our precious creativity. We will make collages to serve as a reminder to bring home.
You will leave this class with concrete skills and exercises to tap into your creative flow at any time. Not kidding.
Please bring a journal and any art supplies including magazines you might want to use for collaging.
Sign up here: